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Increased marketing effectiveness for a global leader in the home appliance industry
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  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale
The client is a global leader in the home appliance industry. Recognized by Fortune as one of America's Most Innovative Companies in 2023, the company has demonstrated success across product innovation, process innovation, and innovation culture. The company has factories on several continents and employs over 100,000 people.
  • Marketing Cloud
  • Datorama
  • Einstein
Salesforce Solutions
  • Need for real-time communication with customers
  • Willingness to use all Mobile Studio features
  • Lack of Marketing Cloud knowledge
  • Difficulty in harmonization between different communication channels
Challenges Outline
>12 months
  • 1 Solution Architect
  • 1 Marketing Cloud Developer / Consultant
  • 2 Marketing Cloud Admins
Vimera Team
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Business Goals
  • Drive mobile engagement: Utilize Mobile Studio's modules (MobilePush, MobileConnect, WhatsApp)) to interact with customers via SMS, push notifications, and instant messaging, fostering personalized and convenient experiences on mobile devices.

  • Integrate mobile into omnichannel campaigns: Incorporate Mobile Studio as a key tool in omnichannel marketing efforts, ensuring consistent brand experiences across all touchpoints and driving customer engagement and loyalty.

  • Enable real-time interactions: Leverage Mobile Studio to deliver timely and relevant messages, providing valuable support and product information to customers in real-time, thereby, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
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Technical Knowledge Barrier: The company lacked personnel with Salesforce Marketing Cloud technical expertise, posing a challenge in adopting a solution requiring minimal technical knowledge for effective implementation.

Consent Management Complexity: Managing consents for various communication channels proved challenging, requiring a solution capable of controlling and managing consents efficiently.

Utilizing Mobile Studio Features: The company sought to maximize the use of Mobile Studio features, particularly for SMS communication with customers, conducting surveys via mobile platforms, and improving the communication via the mobile application.

Enhanced Real-Time Communication via Triggered Journey: One of the key business goals was to establish real-time communication channels with customers, particularly through triggered journeys. This initiative aimed to engage customers at strategic touchpoints throughout their purchasing journey, ensuring timely and relevant interactions across various communication channels while upholding consent regulations. The company outlined several cases for triggered communication, focusing on delivering personalized and timely messages to enhance customer engagement and drive conversions.

Consistent Brand Messaging: Maintain consistent brand messaging across all channels to reinforce your brand identity and values.

Multi-Channel Engagement: Recognizing the diverse preferences of customers, the communication strategy extended beyond emails and push notifications. It encompassed SMS alerts, social media retargeting ads, and even personalized messages within the company's mobile app, ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive approach to re-engagement.
To overcome the technical knowledge barrier, our team has implemented a user-friendly solution with intuitive interfaces and comprehensive documentation. This approach minimizes the need for extensive technical expertise, making it accessible to non-technical staff members. We have conducted training sessions and delivered solution realization through a declarative approach tailored to different proficiency levels. By leveraging Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), employees are empowered to effectively utilize its features and capabilities without requiring advanced technical skills.

In response to the complexity of consent management, our team embarked on a proactive approach within Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), as the client initially utilized the standard preference center. Recognizing the need for more robust and tailored solutions, we took charge in developing a custom preference center. This custom solution streamlined consent processes and ensured compliance with data protection regulations by seamlessly integrating consent data with the Sales CRM system. Additionally, we developed specialized solutions to create custom objects within SFMC, allowing for organized storage of consent information based on communication channels. Through these efforts, we successfully streamlined and automated consent processes across various channels, providing transparent options for customers to manage their preferences while ensuring compliance.

Our solution to enhance engagement with marketing content involves leveraging data analysis of the initial email send to determine the level of engagement. Based on this analysis, we proceed with further communication received on the phone, such as SMS messages. Additionally, we have enhanced our SMS communication capabilities, mobile survey features, and mobile application messaging to create more impactful and personalized interactions with customers. Moreover, Einstein features have been introduced to analyze engagement scoring and provide recommendations on the optimal communication frequency. By incorporating these improvements, we aim to increase engagement levels and deliver more relevant content to our audience across various communication channels.

By analyzing all customer journeys and client requirements, our team has identified triggers based on Sales CRM record creation or update. Additionally, we've set up API events based on site behavior and special form submissions to inject audiences into the customer journey nearly in real-time. Leveraging SFMC's Journey Builder, we orchestrate triggered communication journeys that dynamically respond to customer behavior and interactions. Designing personalized journey paths with automated triggers and decision splits allows us to deliver relevant messages in real-time across multiple channels, all while ensuring compliance with consent regulations.

The team has developed brand messaging guidelines and templates within SFMC to maintain consistency across all communication channels. The centralized access to approved brand assets, messaging templates, and content libraries was provided to ensure cohesive and aligned messaging across campaigns.



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Newsletter subscription has increased by 88% due to the introduction of preference management systematic approach.
Average CTR increased by 13% due to the implementation of additional communication channels and analysis of the engagement.
Average open rate increased by 33%.
Average conversion rate increased by 24.4%.
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Our testimonials
We continue to work with them, and we highly recommend them.
Nicholas Chang
VP of Sales & Marketing
Flower Company
Miami, Florida, US
They generally are happy to work on all aspects of custom Salesforce development.
Fedor Orth
Head of Software Engineering
Clear Aligner Provider
Berlin, Germany
Discuss your task with our team
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We assign a wide range of services
Salesforce Implementation & Customization

Salesforce Consulting & System Architecture

Salesforce Integration

Salesforce Org Audit

Salesforce Org Support

Salesforce Quick Start

Salesforce AppExchange Applications Development

Data Management & Migration

Migration to Salesforce Lightning