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Produce more products with less cost, streamline your production management system and improve customer experience quality
Salesforce benefits in manufacturing

Improved customer service
Reduced employee workload
Increased profits
Sales automation
Our cases in Manufacturing
Decreased order pricing errors and Data consistancy for company, relates to the field of the manufactory. Their business is creating and selling plastic products.
Solutions: Salesforce, Commerce Cloud: Wholesale Storefront, B2B Experience Cloud Portal, Custom Flow, Data Migration, Pricing Setup.
Increased productivity and Time & cost savings for a large manufacturing company
Solutions: Salesforce, Sales Cloud, CPQ: Contract Renewal, Billing, CPQ Integration with DocuSign.
Sales improvement and Boosted customer engagement for client provides world-class service and innovative water treatment solutions
Solutions: Salesforce, Sales Cloud: Price Book Automation, Auto-response, A Visualforce PDF Template. Field Service Lightning: Picklists, Integration with 3rd party systems.
Wholesale storefront
Implementing a wholesale storefront solution, a user-centric site, using the Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud allows customers to place orders, manage accounts, and view products. Wholesalers increase profits faster by focusing on the customer experience.
Setting up Pricing and Automation of the Price List
Price list automation helps simplify price setting. Price setting can accelerate and increase sales through subscriptions, discounts and promotional features.
Field Service Lightning & Picklists
Implementing a Field Service Lightning solution helps improve the management of your workforce through automation to speed up the work of managers and agents.
Confirmation Emails
These are order, cancellation, and purchase confirmation emails. For example, when customers take an action through a website or mobile app, they will receive an automated message informing them of their order, cancellation, or purchase processes.
Einstein Analytics
Einstein Analytics helps predict sales by displaying the result on a dedicated dashboard, highlighting key performance indicators for the sales team. Einstein allows you to automatically analyze customer data from emails, providing analytical information and predicting next steps.
Salesforce features for Manufacturing
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Increase the number of trial downloads, attract more software customers and improve customer experience quality
Salesforce benefits in software
Enhanced interaction strategy
Optimizing the workload of sales and marketing departments
Optimized campaign analytics
Enhanced customer acquisition campaigns
Our cases in Software
Enhanced prospects engagement strategy and Boosted nurturing leads strategy for Software Developer Company for Insurance & Mortgages
Solutions: Pardot: Form Handler, Engagement
Program, Prospect Custom Fields
Boosted social marketing campaigns analytics and Costs & Time savings for a global computer software provider
Solutions: Pardot Integration, LinkedIn, Facebook,
Google Analytics
Marketing campaign's analytical part improvement and Social media marketing strategy enhancement for a software development company
Solutions: Salesforce, Pardot Google Analytics
Connector, Pardot LinkedIn Connector
Automatic Price List
The price list can be automatically filled out in the contract to streamline and reduce the workload of sales managers and redirect them to higher priority tasks.
The Pardot solution helps improve the model of interaction with leads. The form from the website allows you to install a trial version of the product. For example, if a potential customer fills out the form and clicks the submit button, this action triggers the software download and the information is then redirected to the form handler for Pardot with subscriber information.
Prospect Custom Fields
Pardot fields do not contain lead data by default. If it's customized, it can collect information tailored to your needs. The Prospect custom fields solution allows you to track and manage in-depth lead tracking throughout the cycle. You can map and synchronize your custom fields with Salesforce.
Pardot Google Analytics Connector
The Pardot Google Analytics Connector solution allows you to track UTM campaigns and initial parameters in Pardot. The user can see which campaign and source the lead came from, manage audience segmentation by campaign, and send an email to an audience segment on a specific date.
Pardot LinkedIn & Facebook Connector
Pardot LinkedIn Connector allows you to schedule the day and time to post on LinkedIn. Pardot’s integration with Facebook allows you to post within Pardot, set a specific day and time for the post to be published, and measure engagement levels.
Salesforce features for Software
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Provide patient interaction across multiple channels, reduce the burden on medical staff and manage partner programs

Salesforce benefits in healthcare

Saving and optimizing the workload of medical personnel
Faster record processing
Enhanced patient service
Improved lead generation strategy
Our cases in Healthcare
Medical officers time saving & redistribution and Boosted patient’s experience for client provides medical advice services within a company developed software
Solutions: Household System, Customer Community, Out-of-the-box solutions, Care Plan
Management, Data Management, Mobile
Application, Questionnaire
Boosted email marketing strategy and Time & costs savings by automating marketing workflow for clinical advocacy that provides industry-leading solution
Solutions: Salesforce, Marketing Cloud: Email
Templates, Journey Builder, Triggered Sends
Accelerated appointments processes and Increased customer flow for a center of plastic surgery
Solutions: Salesforce Scheduler, Reminder, Custom Functionality
Schedule management and notifications
A patient can make an appointment with a doctor through the website or application, and the medical center can make a reservation. The patient then receives a confirmation email. The medical personnel can view appointment information in the Salesforce system.
Household System
When a lead becomes a potential customer, the medical center specialist can see her/his family member’s information and appointments at other medical centers
Customer Community
This solution helps improve communication and get loyal patients, doctors and partners.
Clinical Records
Any information and all data about the customer is stored in the database of the network of clinics, no matter what region they apply to. This was made possible by the integration of all company’s data with the international medical database system.
Doctor Change Tracking
Doctor change tracking is a custom solution that can be implemented by Salesforce for a shared database. A doctor or manager can make an appointment for a client at a clinic located in the client’s region
Medical Templates
For example, templates allow you to create a treatment plan for patients with similar diagnoses according to medical indications.
Salesforce features for Healthcare
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Improve travel quality, streamline booking processes, attract customers through marketing, and increase company revenue
Salesforce features for Travel & Hospitality
Salesforce benefits in Travel & Hospitality
Email tracking improvement
Improved customer service
Engagement program
Increasing engagement
Our cases in the field of Travel & Hospitality
Community Site implementation and Improved data consistency for a tourism agency
Solutions: Salesforce, Experience Cloud: Community Portal, Integration with 3rd party systems, User Profile, Audience Visibility, Custom Logic
Customer experience improvement and Boosted marketing strategy for operator of luxury resorts and timeshares
Solutions: Salesforce, Marketing Cloud: Journey
Builder, Mobile Studio, Email Builder
Customer experience improvement and Increased brand awareness with boosted engagement program for a travel agency
Solutions: Salesforce, Marketing Cloud: Data Migration, Double Opt-In, Preference Center, Newsletter Landing Page, Journeys
Email Templates
Setting up dynamic email templates allows you to use a single email that displays specific information for a specific resort based on city and location. Adaptive email template solution helps resize emails to display correctly on different devices
Transactional and Sales Emails
Setting up transactional and sales emails to improve the strategy of interaction with potential customers. For example, a transactional email can be sent in response to a customer’s interaction with the website. Sales emails can be sent when potential customers subscribe to promotional content
Journey Builder
The Journey Builder solution helps manage the customer cycle and improve the customer experience quality. It allows you to create personalized routes. In addition, you can automatically send messages with relevant content based on real-time events
Information Landing
After completing the opt-in process, the new subscriber automatically receives a greeting card and a discount coupon. If the subscriber does not open the mailing within 6 months, then a special reminder will be sent to him.
Community Portal
Implementing a community portal solution to provide registration of tourism infrastructure such as hotels, apartments, guest houses, etc., to be rented out to tourists. Landlords have a year to apply for an ID number. They register through the portal, fill out the form online and automatically receive a registration number at the end.
Integration between Salesforce and the police station database to obtain data on registered tourists by filling out a form with the necessary tourist and landlord information. If the request is rejected by the municipality or landlord, the customer can delete the data sent earlier on their own.
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Simplify communication between donors, partners and charity organizations and improve the donor service quality
Salesforce benefits in nonprofits

Improved donor experience
Enhanced interaction model
Simplified donation system
Centralized data storage
Our cases in Nonprofits
Improvement of donor's engagement and Enhanced donors experience by 17% for a charity organization
Solutions: Salesforce, Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)
Boosted donors' experience and Donors' engagement strategy enhancement for non-profit sector company
Solutions: Salesforce, Experience Cloud, payment
system building
Donation system improvement and Boosted discrimination & domestic violence tracking system for a leading center for victims of domestic violence
Solutions: Salesforce, Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)
Nonprofit Success Pack
The Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) helps nonprofits accelerate fundraising. It allows donors to receive support, make donations and engage in repeat program participation
Volunteer and Donation Management
The donation management solution allows nonprofits to track information about donors, donation amounts and recurring donations. Volunteer management solution helps a nonprofit organization find the perfect volunteer candidate based on their skills
Case Management
Case management allows to improve customer service by automatically creating cases from submitted requests. For example, to record acts of domestic violence and discrimination cases. Respond quickly and take action, thereby providing timely assistance to victims of domestic violence and discrimination.
Volunteer Community
It allows volunteers to register in the system and add information about their skills and employment through skill management features and an event calendar. This solution helps nonprofit organizations improve their volunteer management systems and simplify the selection process.
Marketing Cloud
For example, the Domestic Violence Victim Assistance Center uses Marketing Cloud to manage donor recruitment marketing campaigns and perform a public information function against violence.
Donation Center
The Donation Center allows donors to register and subscribe for one-time or monthly donations and track the history of donations made through transaction history.
Salesforce features for Nonprofit
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Increase sales, improve marketing and improve customer experience quality with business automation
Salesforce benefits in eCommerce
More orders
Reduced support calls
Advanced marketing
Enhanced user interface
Our eCommerce cases
The number of orders has increased by 30% and Quantity of support cases has decreased by 17% for a rugby club in the UK with a sports equipment shop
•Salesforce, B2C Commerce Cloud: Inventory
Management, Open Commerce API. Mobile app Development (Flutter), Flow Customization
Integration with 3rd party system
Marketing Cloud: Marketing Cloud social studio
Inventory Management System
Reduce workload and improve your inventory management strategy with an automated system. Create a return request system to make it easier to return and repair purchased items.
Integration with loyalty programs and payment systems such as Stripe, PayPal, etc. to manage orders using the B2C Commerce payment processor. Bill and invoice configuration to ensure payment processing and invoicing at the right time.
Mobile Application and QR Scanners
Easily develop mobile apps and customize them using Flutter to enhance the user comfort. Integration of the mobile app with the website to enhance the customer experience. QR code scanners allow customers to navigate to the website faster.
Open Commercial API
The solution allows external web applications to interact with the Shopping Cart and Checkout. It can provide data access to products and catalogs.
Marketing Cloud Social Studio
Integration of Social Studio with social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. to attract customers. Customers submitting the form are taken to the Marketing Cloud. If a customer buys a product or service, they will receive emails through the Marketing Cloud or push notifications through the mobile application.
Order Management Connector
Management Solution. To connect Salesforce to the Order Management System, you need to set up a special connector. It provides flow customization to modernize sections and simplify the interface.
Salesforce features
for eCommerce
User experience improvement and Reduced workload for online store selling automobile spare parts
Salesforce, B2B Commerce Cloud: Visualforce Pages, Data Migration, Custom Logic
Customer engagement personalization and Increased sales volume for automotive company that provides a transaction platform to purchase selected and used cars online
Salesforce, Salesforce, Sales Cloud & Service Cloud
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Increase sales, expand sales channels and attract more customers
Salesforce benefits in retail
Improved customer support service
Implementing digital processes
Time and cost savings
Boosted Field Service
Our cases in Retail
Time savings and Redistribution of time to higher priority tasks for large international retailer with a network of offline and online stores around the world
Solutions: SAP integration, order management
integration, Service Cloud integration,
Commerce Cloud integration, Marketing
Clod social studio implementation, email
templates builder configuration
Minimizing tools quantity and Boosted digital engagement for a health care brand that produces dental braces
Solutions: Experience Cloud, Custom Component,
Digital Engagement, Manufacture
Community, Omni-channel.
Customer support strategy enhancement and Boosted field service for provides 3D printed Invisible Braces
Solutions: Salesforce: Service Cloud, Omni-channel,
Scheduled Actions, Integrations, Field
Service Lightning, Mobile APP.
Experience Cloud Site
You can build your store with Salesforce tools
Strengthen customer support and solve problems faster with multi-channel opportunity that allow you to manage any number of communication channels - website, email, phone, etc.
Integration with key data sources and systems with key warehouse systems - accounting, inventory and order management. Integration of Marketing Cloud Social Studio with LinkedIn and Facebook for better interaction with social networks customers. Integration between Salesforce and messengers.
Field Service Lightning
Installation and setting Field Service Lightning with implementing the Field Service Lightning Mobile application on mobile phones to track and manage service offerings and update them accordingly. Empower mobile services by providing personalized mobile field service solutions.
Scheduled Activities
With scheduled activities, you can manage how often, through which channel and at what time managers should contact potential and current customers, optimizing support and communication with them.
Email Builder
Let the customer create emails and integrate them with Marketing Cloud.
Salesforce features for Retail
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Attract more audiences, create relevant content and distribute it faster, and manage customer and partner interactions more effectively
Salesforce benefits in communications

Productivity growth

Enhanced email marketing strategy

Optimized business processes
Optimized workload
Our cases in the field of Communications
Marketing strategy enhancement and Email tracking improvement for video news agency
Solutions: Marketing Cloud & Pardot
Vlocity implementation and Workload optimization for Telco is an Australian telecommunication leader
Solutions: Salesforce, Vlocity: Vlocity Communications
Cloud, Industries (Vlocity) CPQ, Billing
system, In-house field management
Communications Cloud by Vlocity
Implementing the Salesforce Industries Solution, known as Vlocity, an industry-specific cloud technology built on Salesforce for industries such as communications, media and entertainment, energy, utilities, government organizations and others. Vlocity’s solution helps address the needs of a specific industry.
CPQ by Vlocity
Vlocity CPQ helps sales teams close deals faster and more efficiently by managing and tracking the sales process. Vlocity CPQ solution allows you to automate the offer generation process and sales flow by developing templates for creating offers, offer approvals, automation rules for product customization, and more.
Enterprise Product Catalogue by Vlocity
The Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) solution enables faster and more efficient management of the product cycle and product data. This helps increase product lifecycle flexibility, provide a consistent catalog view and reduce the time it takes to order new products. Create a single interface for different user groups.
Contract Lifecycle Management by Vlocity
CLM helps simplify the creation of documents and the signing of custom document templates. This allows you to automate the lifecycle of the contract and speed up its approval. Use electronic signatures with DocuSign, document templates and provisions, contract drafting, document creation and customization, and more.
Vlocity OmniScripts
OmniScipts for customer support helps collect all data for installation and maintenance requests from the customer.
The Pardot solution helps create a Salesforce subscriber campaign and send all data and information to Pardot. To meet all customer needs, the Vimera team sets up a preference center, form handler, custom fields and email templates to send news to each subscriber segment.
Salesforce features for Communications
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Close more energy deals, improve utility operations, and accelerate the resolution of customer problems

Salesforce benefits in energy & utilities

Workflow optimization
Improved interaction model
Enhanced security model
Sales increase
Our cases in Energy & Utilities
Increased sales volume and Improved data security for company provides solar panels for rent or ownership
Solutions: Salesforce, Experience Cloud: Community
Portal, Passwordless login, Reports,
Workflow improvement and Engagement model enhancement for company delivers battery storage solutions that maximize renewable energy generation
Solutions: Experience Cloud: Partner Community,
Custom Lightning Components
Partner and Customer Community
Implementing a partner community solution with its administration allows energy and environmental companies to track features and cases, and manage common company profiles. The customer community helps customers interact with each other, find quote information, and connect with sales managers.
Custom Lightning Components
Based on company requirements, Custom Lightning Components can be developed to provide a customized partner community. This provides a smoother and faster process to meet end customer requirements.
Security Model and Authentication for Passwordless Login
Security model configuration using profiles and shared access rules to enhance security. A link will be sent to the community user via email or other text message to log in to the portal without a password.
Reports and Graphs
Reports are displayed as a list of records that meet a specified criterion, are shown in columns and rows, and can be filtered and grouped in Salesforce. The dashboard as a visual display solution allows you to see all the community details, interactions and specific data.
Salesforce features for Energy & Utilities
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Improve the quality of education, streamline the work of educational staff, improve the enrollment system and attract more customers to education programs
Salesforce benefits in education

Increasing inbound lead generation
Improved lead management
Improved email marketing strategy
Optimized application management
Our cases in Education
Quantity leads growth and Boosted lead nurturing for a college
Solutions: Salesforce, Education Cloud: Inbound Lead Generation, Application Management. Integrations with 3rd party systems.
Data consistency and Enhanced email marketing strategy for a B2B company that creates content for educators, librarians, and learners across the globe
Solutions: Salesforce, Marketing Automation: Web Studio, Email Studio, Mobile Studio, Custom Preference Center, Lead Scoring, Datorama, Contact Subscription.
Lead Scoring
The lead tracking extension is designed to use predictive activity scoring to allow sales teams to track and qualify the hottest leads
Email/Mobile/Web Studio
The Mobile Studio allows you to interact with customers by sending SMS. The Email Studio helps attract customers by creating email templates. The Web Studio allows you to create dynamic web pages and landing pages using the Salesforce platform. Improve marketing and attract more leads with Marketing Cloud Studios.
Application Management
Implementing an application management system helps educational institutions streamline their admission management processes. The application management system allows you to speed up the enrollment process. Manage student enrollment applications with the Salesforce platform faster and more efficiently.
Inbound Lead Generation
Implementing and customizing an inbound lead generation system to improve lead handling campaigns. Create a reliable flow of leads to convert more sales and close deals faster.
Integration with Salesforce Lightning Scheduler to organize meetings with students and program managers. Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration for marketing campaigns to enrollees before they got interested in admission programs but missed the time to contact managers. Integration with a third-party system for recording online test results.
Datorama Reports
Datorama reports allow you to generate, view and share detailed analysis of email, push notifications and campaign data. The Advanced Premium upgrade includes more features and analytics.
Admissions Connect
Admissions Connect is a recruiting and admissions tool that streamlines application reviews, drives applicant engagement and facilitates collaboration across teams. Built on the EDA framework, Admissions Connect helps teams meaningfully engage applicants and effectively manage admissions processes.
Salesforce HEDA
HEDA puts your student at the center of every interaction and breaks down institutional silos using two junction objects: Relationships and Affiliations. These objects connect your Contact (i.e. Student) to every other contact and account within your institution’s ecosystem. You can see a student’s professors, advisors, siblings, parents, coaches, tutors, etc. all from a single view. More importantly, you can see everything a student is interested in by the accounts they’re affiliated with
Salesforce features for Education
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Increase your audience, improve engagement rates, simplify content creation and increase its coverage across all channels
Salesforce benefits in social media

Improving the quality of customer service
Accelerated customer service
Workload reduction
Data consistency
Our cases in Social Media
Data Consistency and Decreased employees’ working load for social media platform for interactions in the neighbourhood
Solutions: Salesforce, Sales Cloud & CPQ: Custom Web Service, Integration, Automation of Tasks &
Events, Additional Reports
Improving the quality of customer service and Speeding up customer support processes for social media platform for interactions in the neighbourhood area and is a leading anti-hate organization
Solutions: Salesforce, Automated Flow, Computer
Telephony Integration (CTI), Email-to-case &
Custom solutions
Set up custom web logic for easy and fast data transfer to Salesforce. It helps simplify analysis processes and improve analytics
Salesforce Flow
Flow configuration and automation using existing business logic to resolve customer issues faster. This helps create automated workflows in Salesforce. For example, when a customer encounters a problem, they will get a personalized customer service approach.
Task and Event Automation
Automation of tasks and events allows sales managers to better focus on priority tasks. Conference room setup for meetings at a specific time and day is automatically created by the sales manager
Integration with Computer and Phone
The cloud telephony system in Salesforce allows you to connect the phone to the computer system. Customers can talk to a support specialist. Customer service managers can track support cases faster and more efficiently and thus better solve customer problems.
Email-to-Case & Web-to-Case
Email-to-Case and Web-to-Case technologies help improve the customer experience quality and streamline employee workload. Email-to-case allows you to create cases from emails automatically. Web-to-Case allows you to automatically collect support requests from web forms and convert them into cases. The tools are included in the Case Management package.
Salesforce and database integration to logically group all information, speed up data access and reduce employee manual work. The integration helps achieve data consistency. It becomes easier for managers to provide and access the information they need.
Salesforce features for Social Media
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Enhance customer experience quality, improve analytics and increase cross-selling
Salesforce benefits in Finance & Leasing

Automated loan origination process

Forecasting improvement

Advanced analytics
Automation of work with the client base
Our cases in the field of Finance & Leasing
Forecasting improvement and Enhanced analytics for IT Consulting in banking working
Solutions: Salesforce, Evaluators/Employees List, SWOT module, Objectives, Dimensions, Custom
Dashboard, Tableau CRM.
Enhanced customer experience and Bosted content strategy for a German leasing company for bicycles and e-bikes.
Solutions: Service Cloud: Omni-channel, CTI, Case Management, Knowledge Base, Einstein Article Recommendations, Case Classification, Einstein Bots.
Community Portal
A unique portal where customers can submit their loan applications and have access to groups, experts and customer MVPs. This solution allows customers to quickly find answers to questions by automatically getting the information they need from multiple sources. Therefore, this speeds up the loan application process.
Partner Community
This allows partners to jointly lead customers and transactions and provide increased sales through resellers, distributors, agencies and brokers.
Integration allows you to create a link between the database and the scoring system to identify features based on data from the system. They allow Salesforce to collect all the data from an already existing banking system and create payment schedules.
Einstein Bots and Article Recommendations
Einstein Bots allow you to free up some of the agent’s time and provide your customers with answers to frequent questions about application status, etc. Einstein Article Recommendations allow users to solve problems faster and more efficiently.
Knowledge Base
The service cloud allows you to create a knowledge base for agents so they can find answers and deal with cases faster. Thus, customers will be able to solve their own problems and find answers to their questions using the articles.
Case Management
Case management covers the entire case cycle: creation, qualification, reassignment, and closure. Case management helps customers have a better post-purchase experience and solve their problems faster and easier.
Salesforce features for Finance & Leasing
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Increase sales, improve customer experience quality and enhance productivity
Salesforce benefits in real estate

Faster response times
Centralized database
Immediate evaluation
Our cases in the field of Real Estate
An improved and more user-friendly lightning UI and Ability to track mortgage process and payments for fast-growing Insurance company customers
Solutions: Salesforce, Experience Cloud / Loan
Payments Schedules Integration.
Сlients who are satisfied with their first purchase and interaction with a particular agent usually want to contact that particular agent in the future. Automatically sending these clients unobtrusive and friendly emails will help to keep in touch with your clients, so they know that you are there to offer help if they decide to make a purchase again.
Integrations with databases
If you are working with a other firms or agents, you don't have to worry about information getting lost in the clutter: your partners will have access to the same data in the same format. It's important to choose a tool that provides integration with existing systems, including the popular IDX (Internet Data Exchange), RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) and MLS. You need your CRM to easily interface with different databases.
Routine, but very important work, often takes up a lot of energy and time. By setting up your CRM to automatically fill out forms, store important documents, and retrieve valuable data when needed, you can give both yourself and your customers a break to focus on more important issues. In addition, automation makes it much easier to maintain customer relationships. CRM can be geared towards tracking important dates, sending out reminders, and even contacting customers directly if necessary.
Performance assessment
Measure and evaluate your performance in real time. By analyzing and documenting your processes, you will be able to more quickly abandon courses that are not profitable and focus on those practices that are beneficial.
Salesforce features for Real Estate
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Increase conversion from prospects to clients, increase customer satisfaction rate
Salesforce benefits in services

More loyal clients

Reduced number of customer complaints

Enhanced marketing campaigns
Centralized database
Our cases in Services
Increasing the conversion rate of potential customers into actual customers, increasing agent productivity
Solutions: Salesforce, Sales, Service, Marketing
Field Service Lightning
Installation and setting Field Service Lightning with implementing the Field Service Lightning Mobile application on mobile phones to track and manage service offerings and update them accordingly. Empower mobile services by providing personalized mobile field service solutions.
Salesforce and database integration to logically group all information, speed up data access and reduce employee manual work. The integration helps achieve data consistency. It becomes easier for managers to provide and access the information they need.
Live Agent and Chatbot
Live agent technology allows agents to communicate with their customers on the site in real time and add new leads. The chatbot will help automatically process customer requests according to predefined scenarios.
Mobile app
A mobile app enhancement can be developed for agents, featuring check-in/check-out functions that become available at a certain distance from the customer. This allows for analytics on agents and reduces complaints due to tardiness.
Salesforce features for Services
Use Salesforce features to grow your business
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Streamline your workflows
Through detailed personalization of the work environment to meet the unique needs of your organization and each role within it
Simplify document workflow
Forget tedious paperwork with fully automated reporting
Improve lead generation
Salesforce can track and manage every lead
Protect information
Gain access to industry cybersecurity solutions to keep sensitive information about your company and partners safe
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A team of experienced engineers and consultants with an average experience in Salesforce of 5+ years will work on your project
Focused expertise
Focused on Salesforce projects, over 10 years of experience
Customer care
We are always in touch and pay maximum attention to the project in order to achieve our goals together
We worked with over 100 companies worldwide
Flexible approach to projects, constant reporting, compliance with deadlines and budgets
Our advantages
What Our Customers Say
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We continue to work with them, and we highly recommend them.

Miami, FL, USA

Verified by Clutch
There was a clear willingness to support us.

London, UK

Verified by Clutch
I'm impressed with the hard and soft skills of the senior developers and team leads.

Stockholm, Sweden

Verified by Clutch
Nicholas Chang
Tom Boyce
Daniel Embretsen
VP of Sales | Rosaprima
Delivery Director | Ignyto
CRM Manager | Hemfrid
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A complete list of Salesforce tools from the VIMERA development team
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We will create and configure the Salesforce system to fit your business
We will transfer data from the old system and implement tools according to your needs
Salesforce solutions:
Sales Cloud & CPQ
Accelerate the sales cycle and get unified invoices
Service Cloud
Combine customer and employee solutions and get work done faster
Marketing Cloud
Automate marketing campaigns and implement new strategies
Commerce Cloud
Track orders and inventory and manage the buying cycle
Experience Cloud
Create a portal for customers and employees to increase sales
MC Account Engagement
Formerly Pardot.
Improve communication with your customers and partners
Field Service
Speed up the work of your managers
Salesforce Industries
Formerly Vlocity.
Solve the needs specific to your industry
Nonprofit Cloud
Get a unified system for displaying actions and operations
Net Zero Cloud
Integrate a complete sustainability management solution into your organization
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We are focused on Salesforce and provide a bunch of services to boost your business
Salesforce Consulting
Salesforce Development
Salesforce Health Check
Salesforce Integration with different systems
Salesforce Quick Start
Salesforce Support
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Clear project specifications
Clear defined scope
Full team control
5+ years of experience
Fixed cost per hour
Flexible project scope
Flexible approach
We will strengthen your team with Salesforce experts with 5+ years of experience
We provide the necessary experts remotely or with the ability to come to your office and take care of all hiring and support processes
We can develop a Salesforce system, keeping in constant communication with you
You can hire our highly skilled engineers to fill certain knowledge gaps within the company, or opt for a fully dedicated and self-managed team
Fixed deadlines
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Companies trust us
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We make the work of Salesforce implementation as comfortable as possible
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We delve and dive into each project, we don't start without detailed analytics
Together with customers, we solve issues that arise during the implementation of Salesforce
After the system implementation we teach every employee how to use it
From idea to full implementation in two months
How do we implement Salesforce?
We conduct an assessment of your business and CRM system, including documents, business model and roles in the company
We develop a customized vision based on company information
Resource and team selection
We visualize the roadmap of the project and Salesforce workflows. We select a team for the project
We develop functionality and make changes to the Salesforce environment, or implement from scratch
We verify implemented configurations with end-to-end and unit tests
We conduct multi-level knowledge exchange for various roles in the customer organization
We transfer proven functionality from the sandbox to the operating system
We run additional tests, improve the system, eliminate errors
A team of experienced engineers and consultants with an average experience in Salesforce of 5+ years / from 5 years will work on your project
We support the program Bring Women Back to Work
We have become a Hiring Partner of the program supported by Salesforce – Bring Women Back to Work which aims to create diversity, inclusion and gender equality in the workplace. This great initiative is specifically designed to empower women who are looking to reenter the workforce after a career break, particularly in the Tech Industry.

As a hiring partner, we support this program, participate in BWBW events, and are committed to hiring talented women who have successfully completed the one-year courses provided by Salesforce. We firmly believe in the power of creating a gender-balanced team and understand the challenges that women face when reentering the workforce. We want to help women navigate this exciting but challenging phase of their lives.
women on our C-level team
of our employees are women