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Reduced greenhouse gas emissions and saved millions of utility costs for a factory
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  • Manufacturing
  • Energy
The client is a large factory that has several business lines: production of food packaging, containers, covering materials, and other types of packaging. Company size: ~1800 employees.
  • Net Zero Cloud
  • Scope 3 Hub
  • CRM Analytics
Salesforce Solutions
  • A lack of solution to track, measure, classify and report emissions
  • A lack of forecasting and reporting
Challenges Outline
>6 months
  • 1 NetZero Consultant
  • 1 Salesforce Engineer
  • 1 QA
Vimera Team
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Business Goals
  • Track, analyze and reduce all kinds of emissions produced by the company
  • Create a clear audit-ready emissions database and reporting system
  • Make predictions about future emissions and energy consumption
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The company didn’t have a holistic solution to track, measure, classify and report emissions. They used Excel spreadsheets and a few independent services to store information about the company's emissions and energy consumption.

There was no forecasting process implemented. The company simply used data from previous years to roughly predict the total amounts of emissions.

There was a lack of reporting and analysis systems that would provide the company with a UI-friendly view of all emissions metrics.
The Vimera specialists implemented Scope 3 Hub to automate supplier emissions tracking by helping the company to efficiently track and take action on full emission chains.

Salesforce was chosen as the primary source of information, and all data from third-party resources was transferred to it. The Vimera team integrated Salesforce with third-party systems, making data easily accessible without duplication of workload.

The Vimera specialists set up Carbon Credit management feature to help the company find and purchase carbon credits from ecopreneurs

We developed Water management to help the company form a clear water footprint and calculate intensities and variances.

The Vimera specialists implemented Carbon Accounting system with predefined datasets to help sustainability managers quickly load specific versions of datasets with the most relevant data.

The Vimera specialists set up an analytics system and made it possible to create customized reports and dashboards with CRM Analytics.

We set up Advanced Forecasting to generate accurate forecasts and track them. The feature also allows the company to adjust the forecasts based on planned emissions savings initiatives and help the company develop a better climate action plan.
Carbon accounting

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Switching from gas to electric heat sources reduced around 4,5 tons CO2eq per quarter.
According to forecasts, the company is on its way to reducing over 25,000 tons of annual Greenhouse Gas emissions and saving over $3 million in annual utility costs.
A single data source with relevant, up-to-date and valuable analytics. Faster and more accurate data management. Standardized data organization and reporting.
Better visualization of emission sources and chains.
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Our testimonials
We continue to work with them, and we highly recommend them.
Nicholas Chang
VP of Sales & Marketing
Flower Company
Miami, Florida, US
They generally are happy to work on all aspects of custom Salesforce development.
Fedor Orth
Head of Software Engineering
Clear Aligner Provider
Berlin, Germany
Discuss your task with our team
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We assign a wide range of services
Salesforce Implementation & Customization

Salesforce Consulting & System Architecture

Salesforce Integration

Salesforce Org Audit

Salesforce Org Support

Salesforce Quick Start

Salesforce AppExchange Applications Development

Data Management & Migration

Migration to Salesforce Lightning