Increasing the conversion rate of potential customers into actual customers, increasing agent productivity

The company has been providing services for B2B and B2C clients in the market for over 25 years and has a fast-growing business in 7 cities in Sweden. The main areas of operation include cleaning, moving, and gardening. The company's motto is to simplify people's everyday lives by offering various services in their homes. The company has a workforce of 2000 employees.

Thanks to the Vimera team's efforts, crucial information about customers and their orders is now collected and stored in one place. A mobile application was developed to track the start and end times of agents' work at client locations.


The company faces several project challenges, including:
  • The company did not collect enough information about potential customers, or the data collected was basic, resulting in low effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  • The list of services provided varied from city to city, and different app settings were used in each city. This caused inconvenience and confusion, especially when a neighboring area was responsible for service in a certain area.
  • The complicated logic used in data storage made it difficult for employees to quickly find the necessary information about the order, such as the customer's name, address, and the required type of service.
  • Customers had to wait for 2-3 weeks for a response from tech support, which affected their level of satisfaction with the company's services.
  • It was challenging for the agent providing the service to track previous activity on the client in the app. For instance, taking into account comments from the previous cleaning or seeing important notes left by another agent 2-3 cleaning jobs ago. This made it harder for agents to get an "over the top" rating for their work.
  • There was no automated tool to control the start and end of work. Some clients complained about agents being late, which was impossible to check. This led to customer complaints that had to be dealt with.


  • The process of collecting information during a site visit has been revised to remain non-intrusive. Client information is now automatically collected in Salesforce with sufficient data to create targeted marketing campaigns.
  • A new data storage logic has been implemented for all cities, allowing for easy access to information through a single query to a common database instead of multiple queries to separate services.
  • All necessary order information, including address, customer name, and required service type, can now be retrieved in under 2 seconds.
  • Technical support responsibilities have been distributed among the development team, resulting in inquiries being answered within 1-2 business days. Previously, a single developer was responsible for technical support along with other duties.
  • Vimera's developers have created a custom component that allows agents to view client information and saves agent settings to prioritize previously found information. This enables agents to proactively anticipate customer requests and use previously entered information.
  • A Salesforce mobile app enhancement has been developed for agents, featuring check-in/check-out functions that become available at a certain distance from the customer. This allows for analytics on agents and reduces complaints due to tardiness.


  • Conversion from potential clients to actual clients increased by 40%.
  • Site visit time increased by 15% due to faster response times.
  • Agents' productivity increased by 5% due to easier collection of client information.
  • Overall customer satisfaction (NPS) with the service increased by 15% due to the rapid operation of technical support, the lack of tardiness by agents, and consideration of important moments for the customer on previously provided services.
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