Business analysis and consulting for a consulting company, customizing Salesforce to work correctly with other systems, reducing costs, migrating to a new interface, and creating visual reporting

The Client is a recognized consulting company from New York that works with leading public, private, and family-owned businesses. The members of the company are former top executives from a wide range of industries.

The Vimera team:
  • customized the Salesforce Sales Cloud to seamlessly cooperate with Certinia (formerly FinancialForce)
  • set up the Salesforce Lightning ­with the possibility to customize reports, more advanced features, improved navigation
  • fine-tuned the current Pardot functionalities
  • resolved issues related to the Client’s Sales Cloud integration with an external accounting application


  • The Client employs Certinia, formerly recognized as FinancialForce. Although FinancialForce serves as an inherent Salesforce ERP solution, persistent conflicts have arisen between FinancialForce and specific existing and upcoming Sales Cloud solutions, preventing the platform from being utilized effectively.
  • The Client was utilizing a preceding Salesforce interface, referred to as Classic, which inadvertently led to challenges in promptly locating the critical information and therefore prolonged the sales cycle.
  • One of the company’s departments has been employing the Pardot standalone solution, necessitating them to toggle between multiple tools on a daily basis. This approach not only hindered their ability to leverage new Pardot functionalities but also constrained their overall utilization of the tool’s potential.
  • The Client oversees four distinct operational teams, each assigned unique tasks and confronted by diverse business challenges. The requests, submitted by different teams, and the subsequent solutions required strategic planning to prevent intersections and conflicts that would hinder optimal operational efficiency and inter-team collaboration.
  • The Client confronted challenges pertaining to the integration of an external accounting application, resulting in the hindrance of accurate data import and proficient operation within the Salesforce ecosystem.


  • Employing Salesforce declarative tools to execute ongoing and overall business improvements within the Sales Cloud platform, effectuated by means of Approval Processes, Validation Rules, Flows, etc.
  • Employing programmatic ways to execute more complex logic within solutions – utilizing Apex, Triggers;
  • Security and sharing solution design, re-configuration, and management – utilizing Profiles and Permission Set, Flows, Apex sharing;
  • Migration to Salesforce Lightning. Salesforce Lightning UI and features design and configuration; user training to improve user adoption.
  • Migration from the standalone Pardot application to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement, formerly acknowledged as Pardot Lightning, engaging the Consultant’s services and encompassing tailored configuration in accordance with the identified business prerequisites, – comprehensive Pardot org health analysis, subsequent enhancements design and execution, sustained and ongoing Pardot support, conducting demos on request to improve user adoption.
  • Efficient resolution of FinancialForce troubleshooting requests and adept management of FinancialForce and Sales Cloud conflicts to provide a seamless user experience and accelerate business growth; Salesforce declarative solution design to augment the value of FinancialForce solutions, enhancing its contribution to the Client’s objectives.
  • Ongoing overall support and managing requests coming from different teams to ensure optimal user collaboration on a single platform.

At all stages of cooperation, Vimera performed business analysis and business consulting.


  • Vimera tailored the customization of Sales Cloud to seamlessly cooperate with FinancialForce, thereby facilitated coherent and optimal interoperation between FinancialForce and Sales Cloud solutions, leading to shortening sales cycle and overall acceleration of operations.
  • Vimera migrated the Client from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning ­– the modern interface with the possibility to customize reports, more advanced features, improved navigation, and more regular updates.
  • Vimera overtook a comprehensive assessment of the Pardot instance's current configuration, evaluating its operational health and overall features usage. This empowered the Client to abstain from transitioning to a more extensive Pardot Edition, as suggested by the Pardot team, thereby it helped to curtail excessive expenditures. Vimera fine-tuned the current Pardot functionalities, optimizing the overall Pardot utilization, and ensured sufficient user adoption of the new features through a series of demonstrative sessions, which led to impactful outcomes in operational workflow and operation execution time.
  • In the course of engaging with diverse requests originating from four distinct teams, Vimera orchestrated the environment and devised cohesive improvements, which streamlined task execution for each team, harmonized operations across the organization, and fostered teams’ collaboration on a single platform.
  • Vimera resolved issues related to the Client’s Sales Cloud integration with an external accounting application, which led to ensuring data import accuracy and overall organization data integrity.
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